In: Tune - a playbook to live with ease & freedom
Tune in to your natural capacity for Clarity. Begin your exploration with Stream 1: Clarity, available now.
Before you begin...
How to 'playbook'
Clarity workbook
How this playbook will help you
How do humans learn?
What have you heard?
Ready to tune in to Clarity?
What is Clarity?
The Potential for Clarity
Where does Clarity come from?
How is our experience of life created?
The truth about our experiences
Experiment: Bring 'inside-out' to life
Time to reflect
Check your understanding
Our minds work inside-out
Seeking clarity
How do you clear your mind?
Your mind is like a snowglobe
Where do the peace qualities come from?
Peace & Clarity are inside
Clarity is your default state
Introduction to insight
What is insight?
Creating the conditions for insight
Welcome back
Clarity is not conditional: How does it look to you?
Clarity is our natural state: How does it look to you?
Insight bring us back to clarity: How does it look to you now?